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RHQ 4.8

Release Notes 4.7.0

RHQ 4.7.0

This is the RHQ 4.7 release. It was released on May 6th, 2013

Installation note

RHQ 4.7.0 no longer has a GUI-based installer. Even if you are familiar with installing versions of RHQ before 4.6, be sure to see Running the Installer for updated installation and upgrade instructions.

Upgrade note

If upgrading from RHQ 4.2 (4.3 and later are not affected) you must first make a manual change to your database. Have a look at the first note on the RHQ 4.4 release notes

Please note

RHQ 4.7 is recommended with Java7, and also supports Java6.

New Features and Changes (since RHQ 4.6 )

Now built on JBoss EAP 6.1 alpha 1

This is a significant infrastructure change. RHQ has migrated from AS 4.2.3 to AS 7.1.1 in RHQ 4.6 and is now using EAP 6.1 alpha 1. There are many benefits associated with this update and several changes of note.


Further enhancments


New charting internally based on the d3.js framework

images/author/download/attachments/69535290/Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-06 um 12.17.44.png

New 'memberof' condition for group definitions (Dynagroups)

Group definitions now support 'memberof <groupname>' conditions in the expression. This forces the resulting groups to be proper subsets of the specified group. If multiple 'memberof' conditions are specified then the resulting groups will be proper subsets of the union of the specified groups.

The primary use case for this feature is for it to be used in conjunction with the existing role-based group authorization. This feature is available anywhere group definitions can be defined.


SNMP Alert Notifications

SNMP Alert plugin now allows to override SNMP trap OID per-alert definition (only applicable to v2c and v3 traps). In the past, users had been confused by the name of the SNMP notification parameter 'oid'. This parameter actually defined the variable binding prefix for the elements RHQ sends. The GUI has been updated to clearly document the usage of the notification parameters.


Cassandra Plugin

A new Cassandra plugin compatible with Cassandra 1.1.2 is part of this release. The plugin is still experimental but supports monitoring and configuration for features exposed via Cassandra's JMX interface. Additional support for some important internal configuration settings (Eg. gc_grace_seconds) is also available. The plugin has enhanced support for taking and restoring snapshots.

The plugin is not yet compatible with Cassandra 1.2.x. Since Cassandra 1.2.x has a lot of improvements and changes, a decision about how to support it will be taken for the next RHQ release.

JBoss AS 7 plugin

The JBoss AS 7 plugin has been updated to use commons-httpclient instead of JDK HttpUrlConnection for all communication with the target AS7 or WildFly server.

The plugin should detect WildFly servers as such.

Netservices plugin

The RHQ Net Services plugin has been updated with new features. It now defines three types of services:

  • HTTP service: monitors availability of an HTTP URL endpoint

  • Ping service: lets you know if a remote IP is reachable

  • Port service: monitors availability of a remote port for TCP connection

More information


Known Issues


  • Method org.rhq.core.util.exec.ProcessExecutor#redirectStreams has been deprecated. Callers should switch to using a new method org.rhq.core.util.exec.ProcessExecutor#redirectAllStreams method.

  • REST-API Endpoints introduced in 4.5.1 to create platforms and resources have been deprecated - replacements are provided

API changes


The GWT part of the UI has partially been translated into German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Czech, Russian and Korean. The language should be automatically selected depending on your browser settings. You can explicitly access other translations by appending a locale specifier in the URL. For example to select the German translation you would append ?locale=de to the base URL, e.g. http://localhost:7080/coregui/?locale=de.

Supported locales are:

  • zh for Chinese

  • cs for Czech

  • de for German

  • ja for Japanese

  • pt for Portuguese

  • ru for Russian

  • ko for Korean

Please ping us if you want to help translating the UI to your language. Translations are done via the translations project on GitHub, which also has some instructions on how to start.

Bug reporting

Please report all bugs you find in Bugzilla. If you find a bug that has been recorded in the above list, please leave a comment on them especially if this needs special steps to reproduce.

List of resolved Bugzilla entries

Please consult Bugzilla with a target release of RHQ 4.7.0 for a list of resolved issues


You can download the release here

Commit log (since RHQ_4_6_0 )

  • Heiko W. Rupp <hwr@redhat.com> (14):

    • Make tests independent of a specific id for the platform

    • No longer needed

    • Add some more mappings and improve generator.

    • BZ 845244 change the way links are returned in json

    • Add UI-links to (some) resources, increase testing.

    • More work on the rest-api. It is now possible to create content-based resources.

    • Use the maven compiler plugin instead of the (outdated) bsc annotation processor

    • Change timing for checking of fired alerts. Proxy-commit for Jay

    • Get RHQ running on EAP 6.1alpha1 for a fresh install:

    • Add the missing Arq extension to only deploy once, reduce needed memory again, update the format of system properties for the surefire plugin.

    • Allow to run those tests against Oracle as well

    • Discover WildFly servers as such.

    • Get the jndi-access test to work with JBoss EAP 6.1alpha1

    • Don't test the TagManager if it is not enabled.

  • Hudson <jboss-qa-internal@redhat.com> (1):

    • tag RHQ_4_7_0

  • Ian Springer <ispringer@apptegic.com> (2):

    • update required jdk and maven versions to match what's on https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/RHQ/Building+RHQ

    • do not pass not-yet-fully-initialized "this" reference to GroupOperationHistory.addResourceOperationHistory() in ResourceOperationHistory's constructor, as the GWT compiler fails when it sees this (at least in my OS X 10.7.5, Oracle JDK 1.7.0_17 environment)

  • Jay Shaughnessy <jshaughn@redhat.com> (66):

    • Fix a transactioning issue with agent backfill. It was possible for the Agent to be marked backfilled in one transaction yet have the actual avail changes fail in a second transaction, leaving the dead agent and its children with UP avail and no longer eligible for backfill due to the flag being set.

    • To maintain the test dep ordering, which is sometimes important, and definitel is important here, move all of the test deps to the new test.dependencies profile.

    • Fix test given slight change in avail behavior. In commit c516ad09fcebcedfd1a505d6bfd434997ac6642d we stopped kicking off an immediate avail scan when new resources were discovered, simplifying the code, and approach, to just wait for the next scheduled scan, which likely occurs nearly as fast. From the test's perspective this meant one resource, the platform, had its avail change at a slightly different time.

    • Fix issues in mergeAvailabilityReport "repair code". This is code that attempts to fix problems in the Availability records, if they somehow get corrupted. In general, it doesn't execute. But if and when it did, it wasn't repairing things as well as it could. This makes improvements.

    • Work in progress. Ignore the man behind the curtain.

    • Bring me her broom! More work to be done... selenium support removal

    • CriteriaQuery should always have a sort applied in the Criteria supplied to it. Otherwise the implicit chunking will be unreliable, as queries will have no guaranteed ordering, the DB is free to order results in any way it likes.

    • merge in NPE fix made in master's LocatableIButton class

    • If I only had a brain... migrate more Locatables to Enhanced

    • The witch is dead! No more Locatable* classes. Still a ways from getting home, though...

    • Back to Oz, we have the broom. All locator stuff is out, now we need to build and test

    • Merge branch 'master' into jshaughn/selenium

    • Merge branch 'mtho11/d3-charts3' into jshaughn/selenium

    • BZ 881848 - Resource availability type remains in state unknown after application of workaround from bug 865166] Ensure after upgrade that all resources, including those in the ADQ, have at least an intial UNKNOWN Availability.

    • Try to stop generating as many ERRORs in the agent.log when the PC is shut down, typically for normal reasons.

    • BZ 808231 - plugin-container NullPointerExceptions (NPE's) occur during PC shutdown, because the PC does not wait for ExecutorServices that have been shut down to terminate] A follow-on to commit 5ef9c47ee8edab0fd0558a208911cc31dfb5d1dc. It seems this existing BZ had the same intention and actually had support built-in to deal with this problem, but had not applied it to production. So: - Enable WAIT_FOR_SHUTDOWN_SERVICE_TERMINATION_DEFAULT such that we wait 5 minutes for executors to finish their work. This is good for operation execution, avail checking, and discovery. - Keep isRunning(), added in the previous commit, but make it a lightweight check by taking away the lock request. Continue to use it to safeguard against ERROR generation even if discovery takes longer than 5 minutes to complete. - Complement the outer guards in intialize() and shutdown() with guards that are inside the lock aquisition, to prevent sequentially executing the init or shutdown logic.

    • BZ 911681 - Globally Uncaught exception while viewing resource configuration] If there actually is no resource configuration available, for whatever reason, there was a bug in the handling of this rare use case. We try to disable the save button, which at this point does not actually exist.

    • BZ 888070 - Agent prompt-command doesn't properly parse command-line arguments] A sort of annoying parsing issue affecting topmost command line parsing in AgentMain.

    • Rearrange tests to vacuum comes before analyze. There is no real good reason for this, we're seeing if it resolves an issue with a Jenkins run.

    • A fix to the Criteria class's sortId support, recently added to support default ID sorting in CriteriaQuery.

    • Remove a jdoc @link to a class not accessible to the domain module.

    • Fix itest.debug support for domain integration tests

    • Fix some Drift domain itests, they stepped all over everything in setup/cleanup.

    • Make sure we have sufficent memory for the tests to run

    • Don't let the itests execute when skipTests is true. Maybe want to move the itest exe to be profile activated like in AS7 plugin.

    • Make this a little more efficient.

    • Fix issue with global filterId support for the JPA impls of the generic Drift criterias. Don't have redundant filter fields and make sure the copy constructor sets the filter. Also, allow null to be set on the filter.

    • Add Unsupported exceptions for global filters

    • Add some overrides for unsupported global Criteria methods on the drift criteria classes that must conform to the server plugin's interface.

    • Several of our Exception classes need to be annotated as ApplicationExceptions. This prevents them from being wrapped as EJBExceptions when returned out of a transaction context (and therefore more easily caught as the expected exception type).

    • Don't try and disable a non-existent button

    • Add some value validation

    • Merge branch 'mtho11/d3-charts-master' into jshaughn/selenium

    • Merge branch 'mtho11/d3-charts-master' into jshaughn/selenium

    • Work done with Mike to get graphs and portlets to play better together. - make DashTab switch update the portlets for the newly active dash - make ResourceD3GraphPortlet an AutorefreshPortlet. - get rid of what seem to be unnecessary removemembers calls, and added code such that drawgraph removes the legacy graphDiv.

    • Work done with Mike to get graphs and portlets to play better together. - make DashTab switch update the portlets for the newly active dash - make ResourceD3GraphPortlet an AutorefreshPortlet. - get rid of what seem to be unnecessary removemembers calls, and added code such that drawgraph removes the legacy graphDiv.

    • Merge branch 'master' into jshaughn/selenium

    • The SequenceGenerator allocation size must match the increment size of the underlying sequence.

    • We did not have a consistent approach to naming SequenceGenerators. To avoid confusion, and because there is some evidence that duplicating names in the same persistence context may be a bad idea, settle on using the name of the underlying sequence as the generator name.

    • remove old JPA lib

    • BZ 922050 Problems with new Availability charts - add new (Local) SLSB support for avail charting of resources and groups. - keep avail processing server-side for Resource avail chart, as well as add handling for some edge cases. - add missing group avail chart support. - add server itests for new methods - remove broken test for legacy charting method - deprecate AvailabilityPoint based availability charting support - replace with discrete interval charting support for avail to support new, simplified approach. also: - settle on explicit member avail in all group avail displays. This is for speed (especially in the avail chart view) and consistency. For recursive groups show the implicit avail as well with an new, additional avail icon. - tweek some jdoc - fix some MSGs while adding new ones for group avail icon support

    • BZ 922050 Problems with new Availability charts - Hook up the resource and group avail charts to the new back-end support.

    • BZ 824010 Have agent store configuration on filesystem instead of Java preferences

    • BZ 824010 Have agent store configuration on filesystem instead of Java preferences

    • BZ 832398 RFE: Enable DynaGroups to be created based on the contents of another group

    • BZ 832398 RFE: Enable DynaGroups to be created based on the contents of another group

    • BZ 824010 Have agent store configuration on filesystem instead of Java preferences

    • remove duplicate itest debug profile

    • BZ 824010 - remove extraneous parens

    • BZ 824010 Don't use custom FilePreferences by default at this time. Stick with native prefs storage by default. We need to further evaluate upgrade scenarios.

    • BZ 824010 Until it's clear we can wipe them, make sure the autoupdater migration task does not wipe the native prefs.

    • BZ 921927 Work on search bar issues: - Add RecordDoubleClick handling to SearchStrategies, allows us to impl SavedSearch delete via DblClick. - Allow TableFilter to be disabled by SearchBar impl, allows SavedSearch mode to not trigger searches. - Add SavedSearch updateName/updatePattern/delete - Fix up keypress delay by canceling timer as needed - Add SavedSearch hover showing pattern in suggest list - Tie suggestion box size/positioning to search text box - Add some more ignored keys - A variety of other behavioral tweeks - Remove unncessary field defs in search strategy impls

    • BZ 921927 - add confirm box for delete - add some tooltips - clean up some related message properties

    • Bug 846451, 949048, 949062 * Users with just Resource Group access cannot access alerts on their Groups * Failure adding member to group with alert definition * Removing member from group with group alert definition removes all instances of the alert definition

    • BZ 949082 RFE: Allow alert ack/delete from recent alerts portlet and reporting view

    • BZ 921927 Prevent concurrent searches for suggestion list entries or saved searches. Timing issues could cause duplicates to show up in the list.

    • Update some alert def tests to better test for bug 949048 and 949062

    • BZ 872731 Platform utilization data fails to be retrieved if agent is slow or down and results in many UI errors Server returned FAILURE with no error message

    • BZ 950461 Update serialVersionUID for criteria classes

    • Bug 857438

    • Bug 872731

    • BZ 921927 Tried to make text boxes resize when browser is resized but failed to get it to work. I tried to emulate http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/showcase/#layout_form_spanning but it didn't seem to work within the Toolstrip. Instead, to better support narrow browsers I: - reduced the size of the search text box by 100 px - removed the unnecessary leader spacer of 40px - was able to fully hide the savedSearch text box space when not being used

    • BZ 911652 Redundant metrics displayed when selecting resource group metric on dashboard portlet

    • BZ 906385 RFE Trait change alert conditions should support value expression

    • Fix test

    • Fix test, need sorting for predictable ordering/paging

  • Jeremie <jer@printstacktrace.org> (1):

    • BZ 919248 - RFE: Provide a metric of the time elapsed since the last build

  • Jirka Kremser <jkremser@redhat.com> (46):

    • BZ 909157 - Operation parameters are not shown in schedule operation details.] If the method refreshOperationParametersItem() is called when scheduling a new operation, the existent parameters are not forget.

    • More integration tests for BundleManagerBean. Focus on searching by criteria.

    • Two more tests added testing the CriteriaQuery api and BundleManagerBean.

    • Removing an import to a class from unreachable modul (fixing the build).

    • Added support for filtering by ID or by multiple IDs into Criteria class -> subsequently for all derived criteria classes

    • Removing the file that was accidentally introduced by commit c5b87b9f1.

    • Deprecating inconsistent method (addFilterIds(List<Integer> filterIds)) since all the other criteria classes use the addFilterIds(Integer... filterIds)

    • BZ 894493 - [as7] Start operation returns failure when start script returns exit code 0 (success). Added the test for the exit code.

    • Adding "transaction.log" to .gitignore.

    • I18n for button's label within ConditionsTable.

    • Fixed the agent fetching when assigning agents into AG. Not all agents were fetched into the affinity group agents selector.

    • trivial: probably a copy&paste mistake, adding the right variable name to the exception message.

    • BZ 914631 - RFE: Allow editing of existing alert condition within an alert definition

    • BZ 919416 ] - A server or agent in the cluster can be added to two different affinity groups - Adding the filtering to the coregui preventing adding the agent/server to more than one affinity group.

    • BZ 849711 ] Showing the delete button only from the list of agents page (hiding it on the aff. group details page and server detail page). Adding JavaDoc.

    • Adding a new test for the Server entity. CriteriaQuery finders.

    • Adding 2 more tests for the Server entity. CriteriaQuery finders. Now they are disabled, but they should pass after the BZ 921736 is resolved.

    • Adding "Adding method to an interface" to clirr API check.

    • Adding integration tests for OperationManagerBean covering the scheduling using cron and other methods.

    • Changing the return type in for the findOperationDefinitionsByCriteria() signature from List to PageList. Now there is no need to overcast the result.

    • BZ 923458 ] - CriteriaQuery based finder fails if the start page is not zero and the totalSize is dividable by pageSize - Changing the initial value of variable count. It takes into consideration the possible offset made by using the non-zero start page set in the criteria.

    • Enabling two tests that test the edge cases for criteria queries. Tesing possible regression of BZ 923458. Also added 8 more combinations of page size, start page and count of filtered elements.

    • BZ 876132 ] - Remote agent install form requires the ins. path to be non-empty, but the tooltip says it can be empty - Tooltip has been changed. Also the whole view for this use case was improved.

    • BZ 876132 ] - Remote agent install form requires the ins. path to be non-empty, but the tooltip says it can be empty - Allowing blank installation path. It should search for the agent install directory if the path prefix is provided or to choose a default one.

    • BZ 923458 - Versioning for dependencies and plugins not consistent - version of liquibase set to 2.0.3 (there was a CNF exception when running itests-2)

    • Bug 846451, 949048, 949062 * createAlertDefinition() renamed to createAlertDefinitionInNewTransaction() (itest-2 module didn't compile)

    • BZ 823908 ] - User should be redirected to Operations->History tab after operation execution on autogroup - The getListViewPath method slightly modified. Now it takes into consideration the case when scheduling the operation for autogroups.

    • BZ 824439 ] - Links in 'Group: Operations' and 'Group: alerts' portlet are not working in 'Summary->Activity page of autogroup - URL of links has been fixed for operations portlet.

    • BZ 824439 ] - Links in 'Group: Operations' and 'Group: alerts' portlet are not working in 'Summary->Activity page of autogroup - URLs have been fixed for alert portlet. Based on EntityContext.isAutogroup().

    • BZ 857438 ] - Create a way to let GUI session timeout be configurable - Adding the GUI Timeout as a system config property.

    • BZ 950461 ] - Update serialVersionUID for criteria classes - serialVersionUID++

    • API checks: adding a record to intentional api changes. (restriction of visibility of serialVersionUID static field defined on class SavedSearchCriteria)

    • Restriction of visibility of serialVersionUID static field defined on class SavedSearchCriteria.

    • BZ 824439 ] - Links in 'Group: Operations' and 'Group: alerts' portlet are not working in 'Summary->Activity page of autogroup - URLs have been fixed for events portlet, resource metric portlet and resource's Alerts->Definition table column (when the alert was originaly defined on the autogroup). The ResourceTreeView component now works all the time (there was an issue when it wasn't possible to select any node in the tree and user had to refresh the page if the URL of autogroup was directly passed to browser or accessed via any link in the UI).

    • Adding 3 methods for resource/type (un)ingoring to intentional API changes, namely: ResourceManagerRemote.uninventoryResourcesOfResourceType(), DiscoveryBossRemote.unignoreAndImportResources(), ResourceTypeManagerRemote.setResourceTypeIgnoreFlagAndUninventoryResources()

    • Adding 2 classes to the intentional API changes, namely: DisabledResourceComponent and DisabledResourceDiscoveryComponent. These two classes were introduced on Jan 25 for as a hot fix. Now they are not used anymore, because the ignoring of a whole resource type solves the original issue.

    • BZ 951266 ] - d3 Charts on Inventory -> Summary -> group metric portlet don't work properly for various groups - There was an timing issue with using the count down latch in class CompositeGroupMultiLineGraphListView. Also, different criteria ("filterVisible" in particular) have to be used for fetching the data for autogroups.

    • Splitting the JavaScript code generated by GWT compiler into smaller files. It reduces the time needed to load the login page.

    • Smarter defaults for building coregui module. The GWT compiler shouldn't end with OOM error anymore. This can be easily overriden in settings.xml.

  • John Mazzitelli <mazz@redhat.com> (39):

    • append to the installer log so we don't lose any installer log messages when rhq-installer.sh is run multiple times

    • installer now provides a "--force" option - this lets you re-run the installer even if you didn't set autoinstall.enabled=true and it also lets you attempt another installation if a previous one failed in the middle of its prior attempt.

    • BZ 916380 ] add java dbupgrade step to fix bundle version ordering

    • BZ 916790 ] fix the case where the version string has a long "number" which really should be treated as a string

    • BZ 919056 ] make sure the agent and cli version properties file is updated by the server if the binaries changed

    • fix the cache so its used. this should speed up merge inventory

    • BZ 862849 ] add more info to message

    • batik codec is not used batik transcoder is in a different maven repo location

    • BZ 849711 ] be able to delete agent simply from the admin agent UI page

    • minor issue - fixing the icons in the discovery queue so they make a bit more sense

    • BZ 921704 ] upgrade to JBoss/Remoting 2.5.4.SP4 to pick up better IPv6 support. due to the way the invoker's ObjectName is now defined when registering, we have to have our own remoting servlet so we can override a method to find our invoker MBean. This is done in the new enterprise/gui/remoting-war module.

    • BZ 922791 ] fix the creation of the self-signed cert. Also, make sure we have a truststore, otherwise, the https connector will not install (this supports external AS7 installations)

    • get the tests to pass

    • revert this change - it broke several tests.

    • provide cause when this error happens

    • Revert "do not pass not-yet-fully-initialized "this" reference to GroupOperationHistory.addResourceOperationHistory() in ResourceOperationHistory's constructor, as the GWT compiler fails when it sees this (at least in my OS X 10.7.5, Oracle JDK 1.7.0_17 environment)"

    • BZ 824010 - don't do this yet - it will blow away native prefs and we don't want to support this file based prefs yet

    • fix installer ant references

    • put back commons-collection dep, it is needed by quartz

    • BZ 872731 - this fix adds the ability to define a timeout for a specific remote POJO obtained by the client factory.

    • Squashed commit of the following:

    • BZ 535289 - by default, don't get schedules from criteria if resource is not committed this addresses a problem when the group metric table view aggregated metrics that included ignored resources

    • fix problem with the goal - verify doesn't appear to be a valid goal name, check is valid.

    • BZ 535289 - when ignoring a resource, it is appropriate to set their availabilities to UNKNOWN since we will not be tracking their avails anymore. this commit adds an API to AvailManagerBean to allow us to explicitly set resource avails. When ignoring resources, we set them to UNKNOWN.

    • BZ 849711 - make the warning before deleting agents more scary

    • BZ 910925 - removed "Starting RHQ Server installer" message since it may confuse people into thinking it is going a full install when it might not be depending on the options given on command line. Also, don't dump stack trace when invalid cmd line options are given. Just dump usage string and exit.

    • BZ 916438 - avoid NPE for those props that are optional but have no default

    • BZ 953955 BZ 954011 - fixed a few things with session manager. * Added method to allow callers to purge all timed out sessions * Added EJB timer to call that session purge method every 60s, thus, if any sessions are left hanging around that have timed out, they will be removed within 60s * The operation job code will now only create one session per operation invocation * The operation job code will now log out of its session that it created

    • BZ 956388 - autboxing got us. the API should allow for Long (not long) to allow for code to pass in long numbers or null to pick up the default

    • BZ 956388 - opps. forgot to commit this

    • add API to get the data directory for the app server

    • BZ 917085 - allow for relative and absolute raw file paths to include ".."

    • BZ 957282 957288 add bundle target of "Install Directory"

    • BZ 951382 - in agent-configuration.xml, use "conf" instead to make it clear the user should probably put their certs in the conf/ directory.

    • BZ 951121 - tell the user the server is still starting if they attempt to login during startup

    • these methods' @TranAttrib annotations are unused. Also, spoke to lukas, he said these methods should be made private

    • BZ 917085 fix test to hopefully run on windows

    • BZ 955760 - pass in the http compression sysprops to the RHQ Server at startup

    • BZ 893609 - remove temp workaround code now that we are on a newer EAP that doesn't have the bad issues anymore

  • John Sanda <jsanda@redhat.com> (2):

    • moving TokenReplacingProperties and TokenReplacingReader for use in production code

    • BZ 953712 ] do not return non-zero value on status command

  • Lukas Krejci <lkrejci@redhat.com> (14):

    • Fix the expectations of the JMock-based apache plugin integration tests after the fixes in the inventory report processing that changed the workflow slightly.

    • The apache integration tests are now resilient against apache servers running on the target machine out of the test control. These will no longer affect the test results.

    • Fix the expectations of the JMock-based apache plugin integration tests after the fixes in the inventory report processing that changed the workflow slightly.

    • BZ 726673 ] - be more robust against different types of bean properties. Rhino doesn't handle indexed properties automagically as it does normal basic javabean properties, so we should offer no code completion on such advanced property types.

    • Getting the API check ready for separately versioned parts of RHQ.

    • BZ 922687 ] - Enabling login on non-std SSL ports in non-interactive CLI

    • Fix classloading issues when defining objects in the std script context.

    • BZ 928971 ] - ClassPoolFactory is now resilient against context classloader changes

    • Arq support for cleaning PC's data dir on shutdown.

    • @ClearPersistedData annotation handling in Arq plugin container tests.

    • BZ 928971 ] - Return the same class pool for the same context classloader so that the class cache of the class pool is consistent with what has been defined using given classloader. This should prevent the possible linkage errors when trying to define a single class multiple times in the same classloader which could have happened before this change.

    • BZ 928971 ] - Set the correct classloader for the dynamically created resource proxy classes.

    • Get rid of the dependency on the JMX plugin in the Arquillian container tests.

    • Persuaded maven to parse the poms with the code-coverage profile.

  • Mike Thompson <mithomps@redhat.com> (251):

    • Initial Checkin of GSOC 2012 RHQ Graphing replacement project from Denis Krusko <kruskod@gmail.com>

    • Cleanup

    • Prototype for d3.js.

    • Prototype for d3.js.

    • Prototype for d3.js.

    • Refactoring javascript.

    • Non-working changes.

    • Still broken but closer. Fixed endless looping.

    • Original working.

    • Clean variable names.

    • Documentation cleanup.

    • Merge branch 'master' into gsoc-charts2

    • Merge branch 'master' into gsoc-charts2

    • Merge branch 'master' into gsoc-charts2

    • Make MessageListener interface package and not public. Add @Overrides where missing.

    • Added nvd3.js. Lots of GraphViewChanges. Added new D3GraphListVIew.

    • Make graphs not visibible for IE8.

    • Delete CanvasUtility.

    • Minor changes to GraphMonitoringView.

    • Merge branch 'master' into gsoc-charts2

    • Visual Changes to cubism graph

    • Remove unused code.

    • Rename methods.

    • more fixes for the GraphDataProvider

    • Merge branch 'master' into cubism-static

    • Remove unnecessary remoting calls to get graph data.

    • Remove the Resource Selector

    • make graph size smaller

    • cleanup groups.

    • Ready for jsni charts and data next.

    • Add Rickshaw. Rendering issue though in drawCharts.

    • Added nvd3 nv undefined error.

    • Works with fake data.

    • generic fixes

    • dashboard working with nvd3 graph and fake data.

    • added axis labels.

    • barchart with real live data. Time values not formatted on x axis yet.

    • fix issue with multiple charts and id naming collisions.

    • fixed date/time format on x axis issue.

    • removed controls from charts that were cluttering the graphs.

    • changed time format to H:M and xAxisLabel configurable.

    • set height on graph to 100%

    • removed cubism graphs.

    • format ticks on the hour.

    • fix the resource monitor charts to work with nvd3.

    • make the height adjustable.

    • Added Batik SVG servlet.

    • Remove GSoC.

    • Merge branch 'nvd3-batik' into nvd3-dashboard

    • Fixed Batik svg backend servlet.

    • made the servlet more robust with respect to error handling.

    • Batik servlet cleanup.

    • Add proper height for different chart sizes some use 100% some use 150px.

    • Add xmlns namespace for svg so batik can consume this svg.

    • Livegraph now works with bar charts.

    • Add a BoundedLinkedList to support the sliding window of data for live graphs.

    • Enable d3 Chart Selected Metrics.

    • Added charting for autogroups.

    • Delete cubism, rickshaw add fisheye for nvd3 scatter plots.

    • Hook Filtering up.

    • Remove client side svg submission for batik servers side rendering.

    • Add day name to date/time for longer time periods.

    • Git rid of NaN values.

    • i18n

    • Add New nvd3.js libraries

    • Add composite multiline graph. Not complete.

    • Added graph d. resource metric portlet.

    • Merge branch 'master' into d3-charts

    • Change the graph x axis scale to add day of week if time range > 24 hours.

    • save non-working version of composites for save-point recovery. having issues with retrieving autogroups.

    • Data retrieve to for autogroups is working.

    • Adding the multi-line graph.

    • Call graphs on a timer because all x async calls need to be complete.

    • Added countDownLatch so chart drawing wont get executed until after all results are back.

    • Hooked Json data up.

    • Graphing data now

    • Graphing data now

    • Multi Line Graph working!

    • Multi Line Graph line labels.

    • Make the Set button work in dialog box.

    • Fix bug in multiline-graph after several invocations.

    • Add click handler on d3GraphListView

    • Made the multiline graph type be able to extend the different chart types.

    • Made the graph type be able to extend the different chart types.

    • new version of d3 2.10.3

    • Candlestick

    • implemented base d3 line charts not working yet.

    • Let gwt.xml module handle the included javascript files instead *.html as it will make sure the js files are loaded before application start.

    • Reinstate jsni charts and make them look nice. Use Jirkas timer method to overcome DOM/js timing issues. Add min/max lines.

    • added y axis labels conditionally and hovers

    • Fix sparklines.

    • Comment out the hovers.

    • Update sparkline library from 2.0 to 2.1.

    • Merge branch 'master' into d3-charts2

    • Enable d3 graphs from sparkline click.

    • Fixed measurement units scaling to proper unit and significant digits.

    • Merge branch 'master' into d3-charts2

    • Summary metrics fix.

    • Summary metrics fix.

    • Normalized units of measure – graphs reported in Gigabytes instead of bytes.

    • Fixing date selection for graphing on dialog boxes.

    • Merge branch 'master' into d3-charts2

    • Fix X-axis line.

    • Add Bar with Whiskers graph.

    • Failed merge on new as7 master merging in d3-charts2. fails to startup.

    • Fix the sub tab refreshes not working by adding chart redraw to AbstractTwoLevelTabSet

    • Add new Area/Bar graph type.

    • Refactor inheritance to composition.

    • Merge in new UXD graph type. Add SVG defs.

    • Fix "down" interval data. Fix many UI anomalies with charting issues.

    • Availability and other misc issues.

    • Availability and other misc issues.

    • Changes for dashboard view.

    • Add Tipsy.js for hovers

    • Upgrade d3 version from 2.1.0 to 3.0.1.

    • Charting Documentation update.

    • Fix jquery tipsy by moving the scripts out of CoreGUI.html and into CoreGUI.gwt.xml

    • Change x-axis from custom x-axis with actual values on x-axis and custom tickers to standard x-axis with time along intervals.

    • Add javascript global var (in JSNI) to more explicity signify the outermost 'this' context as global context.

    • Add javascript chartContext Constructor and moved it out to new file rhq.js.

    • Implemented Crockford's javascript module pattern for encapsulation.

    • Implemented Crockford's javascript module pattern for encapsulation.

    • Add the autogroup multi-resource chart for summary group metrics sparkline links.

    • Delete Bar with whisker chart as we decided against using this chart type.

    • i18n continued.

    • Consolidating common javascript structures and moving it out to rhq.js

    • Final attempt at making jquery tipsy tooltips to work. Html tooltips over svg d3 charts (works in javascript environment but not in RHQ). Calling deferred initialization after login via BrowserUtility.initializeTipsy() and now using customized version of tipsy from https://github.com/bigmlcom/tipsy for svg. Still not working however. Would be nice to revisit this in the future as it is a nice looking tooltip for d3 charts.

    • Removal of jquery tipsy as visual tootips are not rendering in RHQ d3 charts.

    • Add CountDownLatch to parallelize the fetching of resources but allow synchronization at the completion. Significantly reduces the time spent on calls waiting for previous call to complete.

    • Fix dashboard charting bug and refactor.

    • Refactored out MetricGraphData so data is separate from view and graph objects and can be shared between views and graphs.

    • Add working Tooltip hovers for d3 charts. Html styled hovers over svg charts via jQuery selectors.

    • Increase the flexibility of the tooltip formating to accommodate down, and unknown. Also, i18n the tooltips.

    • Fix NPE in dashboard Graphs.

    • Implement charting UXD changes from 1/11/2013.

    • Add a "Cap" to visually represent non-aggregated data. Shows a distinction when

    • Add intervals to down and unknown chart hover areas.

    • Charting Performance enhancements add countdown latch to D3GraphListView.

    • Add availability duration to down periods to show that a period was down for 3 h or 25 m in addition to the exact start/stop time of the down availability.

    • Add individual bar duration to hovers so as time ranges change it is easy to understand the individual bar duration. Important in understanding the aggregation of bars.

    • OOB charting query working still need to graph OOB. Need further clarification on OOB as to which fields to graph.

    • Charting hover cleanup annoyances on the screen.

    • Finish the GUI portion of OOB metrics.

    • Make the visual changes from Charting meeting on 1/22.

    • Misc charting visual cleanup. i18n the new charting labels.

    • Charting - make explicit availability trump unknown availability.

    • Charting - leave bar avg line at last value across unknown availabilities and availability down sections.

    • Charting - remove live graph from resource detail view.

    • Charting - Make chart heights adjustable for large detail charts versus smaller dashboard and resource detail monitor view.

    • Charting - Calculate proper start/end times for unknown intervals.

    • Charting -Add duration to hover for unknown intervals.

    • Charting - Fix graphs in dialog boxes so that they dont pop up behind the dialog box.

    • Charting - Dont show avg bar line when individual bars are 4 minute bars or less.

    • Charting - Fix Dashboard chart make AbstractGraph not inherit MetricGraphData. Major refactor.

    • Charting - Bug fixes to dashboard chart refactor.

    • Charting - various post meeting 2/1 fixes.

    • Charting - eliminate unsafe javascript eval and replace with jQuery.parseJSON instead, also ensure json is proper by adding quotes around attributes.

    • Charting - fix erroneous unknown bars to use unknown availability data instead of no data. No data bars added now as well. Hovers supplied for unknown and no data bars. Establish priority in overlapping intervals as 1) down or disabled, 2) unknown, 3) No Data.

    • Charting - fixing second dashboard

    • Charting - only show trendlines iff no aggregate data exists as we are connecting lines on a scatterplot. Removed basic bar avg trendline strategy that enabled trendlines once the scale reached 4 minute bars or less.

    • Charting - Fix initial NPE on dashboard charts. This was a timing issue where a super class tried to render the charts before the data retrieved.

    • Charting - Extract css from JSNI and move to charts.css for separation of style info from content.

    • Merge branch 'as7-d3-charts' into mtho11/d3-charts3

    • Charting - Merge with master 2/8.

    • Search -Revamp searchbar to get rid of comboboxItem and replace with TextItem and Grid all under manual control. The automatic action of the com

    • Search - Correct saved search behavior.

    • Search - Correct saved search behavior. Prevent dups in tab search selection.

    • Search - Fix null description in Saved Search grid display.

    • Merge branch 'searchbar3' into mtho11/d3-charts3

    • Merge branch 'master' into mtho11/d3-charts3

    • Charting - Remove Availability from current charts. Unknown and Down bars become same as no data bars except with different hovers to convey availability status.

    • Charting - Remove Availability from current charts. Unknown and Down bars become same as no data bars except with different hovers to convey availability status.

    • Charting - Change the chart titles so min, avg, peak data is shown to the side of the chart and not at the top.

    • Charting - Add new availability graph seperate from metric graphs.

    • Merge branch 'master' into mtho11/d3-charts-master

    • Charting - Incorporate changes from charting meeting.

    • Charting - Incorporate changes from charting meeting.

    • Charting - Change the terms Time -> Start and Bar -> Duration in the bundles.

    • Charting - Add Availability Hovers to new availability graph section.

    • Charting - Update d3.js version to 3.0.6.

    • Charting - Add unbounded time frames to Availability Hovers where time frames are still running (i.e. Duration: 2.5 hours +)

    • Charting - Move availability call out of latch enabling it to called only once for the resource.

    • Charting - Add Availability charts to Group screens and pull-up the common availability code to a shared super class.

    • Charting - Add new Availability charts to summary sparkline popup charts.

    • Charting - Bugfix for Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'Class' in NaN. Undefined values were blowing up javascript functions.

    • Charting - Fix timing bug where availabilityGraph can be null.

    • Charting - Fix refresh bug with group d3 graphs not refreshing when click on different sub tab.

    • Charting - Replace the AbstractD3GraphListView with Generics version in AbstractTwoLevelTabSetView.

    • Charting - Make availability chart an option on Factory constructor to include availability or not when creating a D3GraphListView. Move AvailabilityD3Graph to avail directory.

    • Charting - Deprecate AvailabilityBarView replaced with AvailabilityD3Graph.

    • Charting - Remove chart.drawChart() and use existing chart.drawJsni() instead.

    • Charting - Add entity name to dashboard charts. Rename yAxisTitle to chartTitle to reflect its real purpose.

    • Charting - Fix issues with graphing NaN javascript values.

    • Charting - Add back in the old dashboard charts to compare with the new d3 dashboard charts.

    • Merge branch 'master' into mtho11/d3-charts-master

    • Charting - Fix hovers after fixing the undefined javascript condition for avg line that was throwing errors because the avg line was not contiguous. Using the condition of high,low,avg all == 0 as a proxy for undefined data so values of 0 are substituted for undefined to get around this condition.

    • Charting - Add micro-benchmarking code to output time spent on graphing to the javascript console. So we can see if addition/deletion of things has an impact on graphing performance.

    • Charting - i18n the date and time formats for both availability and bar chart hovers.

    • Charting - Fix the Dashboard tabs bug where renders properly first time but if you click on another tab and then come back to original tab no d3 charts are shown (original chart is shown).

    • Charting - Fix the Dashboard tabs bug where renders properly first time but if you click on another tab and then come back to original tab no d3 charts are shown (original chart is shown). Partial commit not complete.

    • Charting - Fix the portlet refresh button and refresh after portlet configuration change.

    • Charting - Eliminate portal graph specific signature in HasD3MetricJsniChart.

    • Charting - Eliminate portal graph specific signature in HasD3MetricJsniChart.

    • Charting - Put a link to the old charts in summary resource measurements portal.

    • Charting - Add a link for the group multi-resource charts to link to the old charts for testing purposes.

    • Charting - Remove batik server side svg rendering from pom.

    • Merge branch 'master' into mtho11/d3-charts-master

    • Merge branch 'mtho11/d3-charts-master'

    • Charting - Availability graph add yellow for warn availability type applicable to groups when one of the resources in the group is down.

    • Trivial - remove commented out sections of coregui/pom.xml

    • BZ 872347 ] - RHQ Graph replacement with d3 graphs. Fixed bug for invalid data returned by metric query. Fixing is in graphs now so that weird data is not confusing to people. It was possible that the low > high. Now the data is cleansed before graphing. Ultimately, this issue needs to be fixed at the metric query.

    • BZ 872347 ] - Fix availability charting bug that blows up inside d3.js.

    • Trivial - add more docs, clean up unused code.

    • BZ 922141 ] - Availability graph change from 60 buckets to continuous intervals.

    • Charting - Make availability not scroll off the screen when viewing multiple charts.

    • Charting - For Group charts - Make availability not scroll off the screen when viewing multiple charts.

    • Charting - Only graph OOB data if OOB data exists. Show hover data on avg to low segment as well.

    • Fix summary resource measurements portlet as values are getting chopped off.

    • Charting - Confine avg bar trendlines to bars that have data and eliminate trendlines from nodata (grey striped) bars.

    • Charting - NPE, Fix timing edge case bug for Group charts.

    • Charting - Bar avg line performance enhancement and simplification to code now that previous avg lines are not shown the logic is removed to calculate bar avg for missing data.

    • Charting - Make chart fonts more legible. Add svg text-rendering setting and change fonts to cleaner font.

    • Charting - Move last remaining SVG properties out out JSNI and into charts.css.

    • BZ 924691 ] New graphs inconsistent coloring. Made hover label colors match the new actual chart colors.

    • BZ 921022 ] - Small Width Dashboard charts overflow.

    • BZ 921022 ] - Small Width Dashboard charts. Create small dashboard charts with same 8 scale as full dashboard charts just truncated to 20 bars instead of 60.

    • For Group Availability graph change WARN status to MIXED to better convey the meaning of the status.

    • BZ 948080 ] Add AutoRefresh capability to graphs other than portlet graphs. Refactored Auto refresh capability to be more generic so that it could be used for more than just portlets.

    • BZ 924942 ] - Add portlet key to New charts on dashboard so the same resource, metric can be displayed on multiple dashboards.

    • Fix NPE condition when autorefreshing a dashboard portlet graph before it has been configured (it has been added but not configured).

    • Fix issue with Resource Group Charts and refactor class hierarchy to make it flatter by eliminating AbstractMetricD3GraphView and ResourceGroupMetricD3GraphView.

    • Rename ResourceMetricD3Graph to MetricD3Graph to better reflect its new, more general, responsibilities.

    • BZ 949103 ] - On inventory detail summary metrics charts N+2 clicks of Set button stops firing.

    • BZ 872352 ] - Enable extended console methods not supported by IE from throwing undefined errors.

    • Trivial - add Log.error for codesplit async download failure so it is visible in browser console. Useful for after the fact diagnosis.

    • Trivial - remove client side Batik SVG transcoder dependency.

    • BZ 951196 ] - IE9 d3 charts X-axis spacing not very legible. Change the ticks to 8 ticks instead of 12 for IE9+ only.

    • BZ 872352 ] For IE8 new d3 charts on show text message.

    • Trivial - Performance logging of async codesplit fragment.

    • BZ 849716 ] - Make domain deployments uploads work on IE9. This was already done for IE8 but needed to be updated for IE9 now as well.

    • BZ 872352 ] Disable IE8 for d3 chart rendering as d3 doesn't support it. Add Deferred binding StackedBarMetricGraphIE8Impl.java to support custom implementations of charting (right now IE8 is null implementation). This can be extended to enable different charts for different conditions.

    • UI Performance - Move non-essential javascripts (like charting) out of CoreGUI.gwt.xml to CoreGUI.html and add the 'defer' script evaluation attribute for faster page load time. Also moved stylesheets to load ahead of javascripts as they load faster and provide less blocking time than the external javascripts. This shaved about 0.5 sec on my box will probably save more on slower hardware/connection/mobile. The *.gwt.xml prevents race conditions at the expense of speed so moving out increases startup speed.

    • BZ 956875 ] - Remove old charts now that they have been validated with new d3 charts. Eliminates the confusing second set of charts. Also removed GFlot charting library from codebase as it is no longer needed.

    • Move jquery(1.7.2) library out of CoreGUI.gwt.xml now that we don't have GFlot dependency (GFlot was removed with addition of d3 charts).

    • BZ 955760 ] Syntax fix for gzip compression enablement.

    • BZ 950701 ] Fix SVG text fonts in d3 graphs so that they dont look fuzzy.

    • Fix IE issues with "Move jquery(1.7.2) library out of CoreGUI.gwt.xml now that we don't have GFlot dependency (GFlot was removed with addition of d3 charts)."

    • Fix to keep IE9 from behaving like IE8 with respect to charting.

    • Javascript console object is not valid under IE8 removing console.log statement.

    • BZ 924300 ] - Time range start date and the date picker disappears on clicking 'Advanced' button on time range selector.

    • BZ 958734 ] - Add autogroup metric to dashboard fails for d3 graphs. Turned off the autogroups right click menu to create dashboard graphs from resource tree as the full fix for this is risky given we are releasing 4.7 straightaway.

  • Rémy Maucherat <rmaucher@redhat.com> (3):

    • Fix some roles operations. Fix some attributes (not valid across all versions).

    • BZ 921261 ] Fix Tomcat 5.5 support

    • BZ 921261 ] Minor follow up.

  • Simeon Pinder <spinder@redhat.com> (59):

    • update ResourceClientProxy to handle larger metric definition results.

    • Reverting " update ResourceClientProxy to handle larger metric definition results." as this approach is particularly problematic to implement when i)the same processed elements could be available in subsequent chunk queries and with ii)large deployments when parsing full list or resources can take long enough to span other transactions.

    • modify ResourceClientProxy to now process all child resources.

    • Modify criteria to return all instances as logic assumes as much.

    • update some more usages of Criteria to return all results as code already assumes this.

    • update default criteria instances in the server side plugins as code already assumes as much.

    • Update measurementSchedule default criteria usage to support larger then default result sets.

    • Update criteria usage to explicitly support all or one search resource where applicable as already expected by the code.

    • i)Update drift component criteria usage to use explicitly request resources as already assumed by the logic. ii)Updated one or two spots to explicitly request single result pagesets where already assumed by logic.

    • Update Resource type and metadata default usages of criteria to return all results as assumed by logic.

    • Update criteria usage by job to explicitly return all the results and not the default.

    • Update some more default criteria usages to disable paging where logic already assumes it.

    • i)Update several more instances of default criteria where logic assumed all results returned. ii)small cosmetic fix in rest description.

    • Update more default criteria usages by SubjectManager bean and for Bundles as that logic already assumes as much.

    • Update default criteria usages for ConfigurationMangerBean.

    • Update default criteria usages for i)ScriptUtil and ii)for ContentManagerBean.findPackagesWithLatestVersion usages as is a criteria search but does not include 'Criteria' in the method name as all the other criteria methods.

    • i)Fixes nasty bug with CriteriaQuery that cause iteration to fail after two pages ii)Added new unit test for regression testing of the fix. iii)Added basic javadoc for CriteriaQuery.

    • Update unbounded criteria usage to instead use CriteriaQuery to iterate through result sets.

    • i)remove incorrect page clearing on CliComponent ii)update more usages of criteria to also use CriteriaQuery.

    • Update more criteriaQuery usages with CriteriaQuery instead of unbounded.

    • Update ResourceManagerBean criteria usage to CriteriaQuery where possible. Still required to clearPaging in some cases.

    • Update criteria usage to use CriteriaQuery where possible instead of unbounded queries.

    • more unbounded criteria usages converted to CriteriaQuery.

    • Update ContentMangerBean to use CriteriaQuery.

    • i)update ContentSourceMangerBean and several rest instances using unbounded criteria to use CriteriaQuery specifically. ii)modified CriteriaQuery to be able to return list of types

    • Update unbounded criteria usage to CriteriaQuery usage to scale for larger deployments.

    • i)update DriftManagerBean to eliminate unnecessary page clearing ii)Update ConfigurationManagerBean to use CriteriaQuery where possible instead of unbounded criteria queries.

    • Merge branch 'track_master' into testMerge

    • Add test to exercise CriteriaQuery iteration for large result sets.

    • Merge branch 'track_master' into spinder/criteriaUsage

    • Remove CriteriaQuery usage as unnecessary here.

    • Revert to only clearpaging updates here as CriteriaQuery usage is unnecessary.

    • Revert to just use clearPaging as CriteriaQuery usage not needed.

    • Remove this occurrence of CriteriaQuery usage.

    • Removing criteriaQuery usage here as paging needs to be handled by caller instead.

    • Commenting out unused code. No need to execute the query if we don't process the results.

    • Remove any paging changes as REST will handle paging differently.

    • Removing earlier paging/CriteriaQuery changes as REST will be handling this differently.

    • Fix issue with conversion to CriteriaQuery usage.

    • Add delete support to CriteriaQuery during iteration process.

    • Fix issue with CriteriaQuery where no sorting was being applied resulting in dirty reads for large parses.

    • small change to help out GC for large parses.

    • Clarify dirty read javadoc for test.

    • Apply fixes for CriteriaQueryTest incorrectly using paging.

    • Add integration test to exercise some CLI functionality specifically findResources.

    • Merge branch 'track_master' into spinder/criteriaUsage

    • Deprecate ScriptUtil.findResources() usage as does not properly support paging and can produce result sets difficult to parse for large result sets.

    • refactor to expose the ScriptEngine for these and other tests.

    • Merge branch 'track_master' into spinder/criteriaUsage

    • Adding in justification for api changes. This should fix api check once 4.6.0 is published.

    • Add new test for available subjects and increments test coverage for PersistenceUtility.

    • Add new test exercising criteriQuery change, ConfigurationManagerBean and increasing code coverage that was lacking.

    • Add call to clear paging to clear up how we're using the results.

    • remove unnecessary system.out messages.

    • i)Add more coverage/tests around AvailabilityManagerBean.getAvailabilitiesForContext ii)Modified test to uniquely generate agents/resources/groups for repeated runs.

    • Add new test to exercise group availability but currently disabled.

    • Fix incorrect disable.

    • i)fix issue with agent manager retrieving properties from agent jar ii)added itest to increment coverage and exercise getAgentUpdateVersionFile.

    • i)Reverted AgentManagerBean processing of contents from jar. ii)Modified CoreServerServiceImplTest to create fake agent.jar before test run. iii)Some cleanup/javadoc/refactor. iv)Fix issue with fake jar file creation that prepended /.

  • Stefan Negrea <snegrea@redhat.com> (11):

    • Update development version to 4.7.0-SNAPSHOT.

    • Update Sigar version to

    • BZ 923458 ] Maven dependency version cleanup. (cherry picked from commit 98a076a4b1ab258efbf3e367a2f4fe65b9d5bc7a) (cherry picked from commit fb84b4e89772479851ce4c6403d7cce6a170d761) (cherry picked from commit 1308cc9399c63b7f68c89c62619e9f91014c8ed8) (cherry picked from commit 6dd80cae4df923b2118936951d6fdbb0006b8294)

    • BZ 923458 ] Fixing build errors due to bad scope added in root pom, dependency management section.

    • BZ 923458 ] More maven dependency and plugin version updates.

    • Revert "fix installer ant references"

    • BZ 923458 ] Revert ant version changes since they are used in bundles.

    • BZ 923458 ] Roll back ant version to the latest version declared in child poms and not the root pom.

    • BZ 923458 ] The output of dependency:tree maven utility prior to any dependency version changes.

    • BZ 923458 ] Dependency tree output after all the changes that went in for the past week. Adjusted a few depedencies to reduce the diffs between pre&post updates.

    • BZ 959591 ] Add back specific ant version based on local pom variables to force the download of the dependency even if not directly used in the pom. Without this, the pom would assume that the version referred here is the version from parent poms. This can cause the submodule artifact to miss ant binaries if not already in the local maven repository. (cherry picked from commit 2bb45d3c4c9d5edc71acf4380ce7a10a93937aae)

  • Thomas Segismont <tsegismo@redhat.com> (39):

    • Fix JMX plugin test failure

    • BZ 911327 - [EAP 6.1] Restarting servers in server-group fails

    • Eclipse classpath file settings for SNMP alerts

    • Netservices plugin: make itest http port configurable (useful for Jenkins multijob context)

    • Modified Eclipse classpath file for javassist sources

    • Better coverage of SubjectManagerBean following criteria API changes

    • Fix DeadProcessInfoRefreshTest (will now work on all platforms)

    • Higher logging level by default in native system tests

    • Don't fail DeadProcessInfoRefreshTest on Mac OSX

    • New PortService in netservices plugin

    • Fix netservices itest failure INetAddress.getLocalhostAddress was used to bind the server socket instead of INetAddress.getLoopbackAddress

    • Remove confusing process-scan name in Oracle plugin

    • Added itest for TagManagerBean

    • Added more itests for EventManager

    • More itests for RoleManager

    • Removed duplicate method in DeletedResourceTypeFilter

    • More itests for DiscoveryBoss

    • itests for SavedSearchManagerBean

    • itest for SavedSearchResultCountRecalculationJob

    • Add itest for AlertDefinitionManagerBeanTest

    • Add itests for AlertManager

    • Restore QUERY_NATIVE_TRUNCATE_SQL in Alert objects to preserve API

    • Stop compiling projects in verbose mode

    • AS7 plugin - use commons httpclient 4 as communication layer

    • as7plugin: increase delay so that SecurityModuleOptionsTest can discovery all resources

    • Fix Eclipse classpath file for httpclient 4

    • Attach animal sniffer plugin check goal to the verify phase of the build

    • Animal sniffer: verify is the phase to attach to, not the goal to execute

    • Animal sniffer: temporarily skip in portal war module

    • Fix failing itest AgentComm3Test

    • Fix itest failure in MeasurementScheduleManagerTest

    • ResourceMetadataManagerBeanTest: increase time to wait before types get removed (fails randomly on Jenkins)

    • Enable animal-sniffer-maven-plugin in portal-war

    • BZ 951738 - [hotfix] Use Commons HttpClient in ASConnection instead of JDK's HttpUrlConnection

    • Fix generics problem in LookUtil base methods

    • BZ 955014 - [as7] Make ASConnection keep alive timeout configurable

    • BZ 593932 - (PRODMGT-355) Allow Trap OID for SNMP notification to be overridden per-alert definition

    • BZ 952652 - Unable to delete a user who has saved searches objects in the database

    • as7plugin: LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not necessarily discovered in Linux environment

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-12 14:47:48 UTC, last content change 2013-06-27 15:34:48 UTC.